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For the 11th National Economic and Social Development Plan 2013-2017)
(Amended on 18 January 2013)


To develop land to become fertile to increase agricultural production in the direction of sustainable land use based on people’s participation


- To determine the policy and land use planning in agricultural area .
- Soil survey and classification .
- Determination of the area for using the land for various purposes.
- Controlling land use in the areas being used or contaminated by chemicals or other
   substances .
- Soil and water conservation .
- Soil rehabilitation and improvement .
- Map production and land census .
- Giving services and transferring technology about land development knowledge, soils
   information and land use to increase agricultural production and to have sustainable
   land use .


(1)  To support projects initiated following His Majesty the King .
(2)  To research, promote and transfer land development technology and determine
       suitable land use zones for production and to give services correctly .
(3)  Development land and water infrastructure by soil and water conservation,
       land rehabilitation and improvement to increase agricultural production with
       sustainable land use in participatory manner .
(4)  Improve volunteer soil doctors, young farmers and farmers groups to 
       and understand the land development as the foundation of sufficiency way of life .
(5)  To comply with the Land Development Department Act B.E. 2551 .

  Authority and duty 

(1) To act according to the land development and other related laws .
(2) To study, survey, analyse and classify soils to set policy and plan for land use, to
      determine the area for land use, to control land use in the areas being used or
      contaminated with chemicals or other objects, and to determine the soil and water
      conservation zones including the monitoring of land use situation .
(3) To study, research and develop methods for soil improvement and fertility
      enhancement, soil and water conservation, infrastructure development for
      agriculture in farms as well as to improve and develop areas and land
      use to increase value and reduce agricultural production cost .
(4) To give service on the analysis of soil, water, plants, fertilizers with suggestions to
      enhancement the fertility for soil and water conservation and various Agricultural
      materials related for land development .
(5) To study, analyse and produce photographic maps, manage the land census
      and develop basic maps system as the data for planning the use, to develop
      the production 
and other agricultural infrastructure .
(6) To transfer the results of the study, research and provide services on 
      land development including the establishment of volunteer soil doctor networks,
      strengthening farmers groups to enable them to receive the technology
      and to participate in land development and other activities .
(7) To take any other actions stipulated by law to be the authority and duty of the
      Department or as authorized by the Minister or the Cabinet .

  Strategic issues 

(1) Mobilization of land use plan .
(2) Soil and water conservation .
(3) Research and transfer technology about land development knowledge .
(4) Creation and development of land development with Co-organization .
(5) Development of the organization .

  Main objectives 

(1) Production of land use plans for planning the development cover on any area .
(2) To advise farmers to produce agricultural products according to the soil suitability .
(3) The agricultural areas are protection from soils erosion .
(4) The agricultural areas are rehabilitated for soil improvement and fertility enhancement .
(5) To develop the research and innovations for land development .
(6) Farmers are able to use land development technology .
(7) To create and develop further the land development network parties to be strong and
      sustainable .

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